26 Citations
- J. Cooley
- 1987
Computer Science
The author's own involvement and experience with the FFT algorithm is described, which led to an unfolding of its pre-electronic computer history going back to Gauss.
- 56
- N. AhmedK. Rao
- 1975
Computer Science, Engineering
This chapter develops a fast algorithm, called the fast Fourier transform (FFT), which significantly reduces the number of arithmetic operations and memory required to compute the DFT (or its inverse).
- 5
- H. AndrewsKenneth L. Caspari
- 1970
Computer Science, Mathematics
IEEE Transactions on Computers
It is shown how the Kronecker product can be mathematically defined and efficiently implemented using a matrix factorization method and a generalized spectral analysis is suggested, and a variety of examples are presented displaying various properties of the decompositions possible.
- 126
- A. Barto
- 1974
Computer Science
A fast method is presented for simulating a class of systems that includes certain regular neural networks based on neurons that perform a weighted spatial summation as a part of their operation. The…
- K. BettyG. Horlick
- 1976
Physics, Engineering
A number of signal processing operations can be carried out on spectra using a digital filter based on a simple trapezoid function. The filter is applied to the Fourier transform of the spectral…
- 37
- W. Schwarz
- 1978
Computer Science
This paper presents an FFT-program written for the use of the programmable pocket calculator of Texas Instruments TI 59. The program consists of the following routines: Input/output; FFT forward and…
- P. GottliebL. Lorenzo
- 1974
Computer Science, Engineering
It is shown that a fast Fourier processor having an attractive cost performance ratio can be built by employing serial arithmetic in the implementation of the algorithm developed.
- 6
- G. HorlickG. Hieftje
- 1978
Correlation techniques have long been used to measure and process signals in physics, chemistry, and engineering. Lee et al. (1) discussed the application of correlation analysis to the detection of…
- 28
- M. Corinthios
- 1971
Computer Science
IEEE Transactions on Computers
The design of a class of special-purpose computers for time-series analysis by Fourier transformation is described, which implement machine-oriented fast Fourier transform algorithms obtained by factoring the discrete Fouriertransform to an arbitrary radix.
- 37
- P. Moharir
- 1978
Many transforms such as discrete Fourier, Hadamard, Haar etc and their innumerable generalizations have found wide applications in pattern recognition, signal processing, spectral analysis, etc and it is shown that all these transforms are particular cases of butterfly transforms, which use numerical or logical operations.
- 3
70 References
- L. E. AlsopA. A. Nowroozi
- 1966
Geology, Physics
In seismology Fourier analyses of long time series are used chiefly in connection with studies of free oscillations and earth tides. In the past, these analyses have required large amounts of time on…
- 13
- R. Singleton
- 1966
Mathematics, Computer Science
The fast Fourier transform is a significant advance over previous methods, in that the number of arithmetic operations is proportional to n log2 n instead of n(2) and one that makes practical the solution of large problems in which data overlay within high speed storage will occur.
- 13
- G. Bergland
- 1968
Computer Science, Mathematics
This algorithm preserves the order and symmetry of the Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm while effecting the two-to-one reduction in computation and storage which can be achieved when the series is real.
- 133
- R. Yavne
- 1968
Computer Science, Mathematics
AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference
This article describes another algorithm for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform where the required number of additions and subtractions is the same as in the Cooley-Tukey Algorithm; but therequired number of multiplications is only one half of that in the cooley- Tukey Al algorithm.
- 122
- H. Helms
- 1967
Mathematics, Computer Science
IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics
A theorem is proved that two methods for using the fast Fourier transform to reduce the number of arithmetic operations and, therefore the time required for computing discrete, preformulated, and finite convolutions can be modified to compute such difference equations.
- 115
- R. Singleton
- 1968
Mathematics, Computer Science
Commun. ACM
The following procedures are based on the Cooley-Tukey algor i thm [1] for comput ing the finite Fourier t r ans fo rm of a complex da ta vector; the dimension of the da t a vector is assumed here to…
- 22
- R. Singleton
- 1967
Computer Science, Mathematics
Commun. ACM
The fast Fourier transform algorithm is briefly reviewed and fast difference equation methods for accurately computing the needed trigonometric function values are given and the problem of computing a large Fouriertransform on a system with virtual memory is considered, and a solution is proposed.
- 142
- M. Pease
- 1968
Computer Science, Mathematics
A modified version of the Fast Fourier Transform is developed and described and it is suggested that this form is of general use in the development and classification of various modifications and extensions of the algorithm.
- 383
- P. Rudnick
- 1966
A small-computer program has been written in this laboratory which uses the Danielson-Lanezos method with one minor modification, described below, and yields the same results as the binary form of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm with a comparable number of arithmetical operations.
- 19
- G. BerglandH. Hale
- 1967
Computer Science, Engineering
IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput.
Two digital machine organizations are suggested which use the fast Fourier transform algorithm for the cases of N (the number of samples analyzed) being a power of 2 and the case of N being the product of two integers.
- 31
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