The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

be A much S. The Still is he be as THE BOSTON GLOBE- -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1931 19 MAN GOING TO EXPLORE TIBET A. B. Emmons 3d Member of Expedition NEW YORK, Nov 27 (A. -Before sailing at midnight tonight on a twoyear scientific expedition to Tibet, eight men and a woman received the benefit of special service at the Cathedral of St John the Divine, led by Bishop William T.

Manning. Under the direct sponsorship of the Explorers' Club of New York, the expedition will arrive in Shanghai Jan 10. and start as soon as possible for Tibet. The explorers will attempt to determine the height of Mt Tibet, 1 in order that it might be decided whether it higher than Mt Everest. Seeds of Oriental plants are to be obtained for the United States Department of meteorological observations made for the United States Navy Department, and ethnological and entomological data gathered.

and sound pictures will made of Tibetan life. A research will made along medical lines. The expedition also plans a series of mountain climbing surveys for the American Geographical Society, It will endeavor to establish a uniform system of nomenclature in Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese for all places, mountains, lakes and rivers. Gene Lamb, formerly of Washington, is in charge. His wife, Corine, is the only woman in the party.

The other members of the expedition are: Arthur Brewster Emmons, 3d, Boston; Richard Lloyd Burdsall, Harrison, Lewis Thorne, Rye, Terrence Moore, Haddonfield, John A. Logan, Youngstown, Dr Foud Michael Al-Akl, native of and now resident surgeon in charge of the Metropolitan Hospital, New York, and Jack Theodore Young, Honolulu. Mr Thorne was given a license as lay reader by Bishop Manning, with authority exercise the office wherever may be on expedition. expenses of the journey, estimated at $100,000, will be borne by organizations that will share in the fruits of 1 its efforts. These include the Carnegie Museum of.

Pittsburg, the Museum, the United States Department of Agriculture, the American Geographical Society, the United States Navy Department and tho American Dental Association, PROFESSORS TOLD THEY ARE UNDERPAID Harvard and Yale Salaries 30 Percent of Income CHICAGO, Nov 27 (A. -The teachers of America's universities met today to consider the size of their salaries and were informed they were underpaid. Professors in many universities and colleges are losing their jobs or facing salary cuts, Prof Yandell Henderson of Yale University told the American Association of University Professors, because the schools spend all their money building programs. The economic situation, Prof Hencoo derson said, was only part of the answer. He said many universities have faulty financial systems, pointing out professors received no benefits from the period of prosperity.

The greatest cause of financial distress in educational institutions, the Yale professor said, could be traced to endowments. He said large buildinge or costly new departments are brought to campuses through gifts from individuals and foundations, but, no many fund is universities establisned the for upkeep. acceptance of a few more millions for new. buildings will bring insolvency," Prof Henderson said. schools wtll go bankrupt keeping up the buildings and new departments." As for salaries the professor said Harvard and Yale devote only 30 percent of their.

income to paying the faculties. suggested universities general construct no new buildings guless 50 percent of the endowment fund was set aside for maintenance. FAULKNER HOSPITAL DRIVE NETS $35,931 At the end of the first week of active Solicitation in the Faulkner Hospital's. campaign for $500,000 to remove indebtedness, the total stood at $35,931, it was announced at a meeting of suburban committee workers last night in the West Roxbury Library. Ingersoll Bowditch, treasurer of the Faulkner Hospital, spoke briefly of the hospital's needs requiring the $500,000.

meeting of the men's committee, of which James W. Wheeler is chairman, was held at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday noon and reported steady progress with its work. Arthur Wallace Rice, general chairman of the Faulkner Hospital campaign, in announcing the campaign total to date, emphasized the spirit of the nurses' committee. Made up of graduate nurses of the hospital's training school, this committee voted voluntarily to give a minimum of $50 each. Mr Rice pointod out that this giving represents a generous sacrifice, Inasthe average annual income of graduate nurses is only $1500.

RECEIVER SOUGHT FOR ROYALTY CORP OF AMERICA TULSA, Okla, Nov 27 (A. petition asking a receiver for the 000,000 Royalty Corporation of America was filed in District Court here today by M. Williams, a shareholder. The petition charges that J. Edward Jones, New York and Kansas, one of the Nation's largest dealers in oil royalties, so manipulated his Royalty including the Royalty Corporation of America, that stockholders suffered losses.

TRINITY CAMP HOLDS BANQUET AND REUNION The Trinity Camp, boys and girls of Trinity Church who attend the camp at Bow Lake, gathered at St Andrew Hall last evening for the annual banquet, reunion and award of honors. Nearly 200 young people Attended. T. A. Gibson, camp director, was the toastmaster.

Honor guests and speakers were Rev Otis R. Rice Rev Dr William E. Gardner. The following awards were made: Kobert Gustafson, Swimming Rosalind Tudor Letters Gould, Spurgeon, Everett Noyes. Letters Team Work--Roger Call.

WilPeterson. Mar Letters' Stevens. Tudor Jones. Cook. Gordon Moulton Ralph Thomas, William White.

Life-Saving Marian Awards -Roger Call. William Stevens, Yvonne Phillipe, Everett Archie Noyes. Tullock. Whitehead. Counselor Cup- -Frederick Barboun Robert Camp Honor Honor System Emblems- -Donald Joseph Perry.

Abbott, Bruce, Baker, Frederick Barbour, Gordon Perry, Clarke Newton, Edwin Webster, Yvonne DonPhillips. Miriam Thurber. MacCormack, bott, Conduct Donald Achierment Awarde- Joseph Ab- TWO MORE ARRESTED IN ACTON HIGH BREAK Six Girls and Four Youths Also Taken at Lake Camp Special Dispatch to the Globe CONCORD, Mass, Nov 27-Acting on a tip, Chief Michael Foley of the 'Acton police and patrolman Patrick H. Butler of the State Police Patrol, attached to the Lake Walden substation, here, went to a camp about a mile off the main road in the Billerica woods, today, and arrested Joseph Boucher, 24, of Chelmsford road, South Billerica, and Thomas Coleman, 24, alias, gave his address as the Sailors' Haven, 46 Water, st, Charlestown, in connection with the break in the Acton High School Wednesday night. This the police believe completes the quartet, who figured in the break in which $216 was stolen from the school safe.

Following their arrest, Chief Foley and Patrolman Butler remained at the camp, for the "party" they heard was to be held there this evening, and shortly after dark, six young women, followed soon after by four young men, entered. the camp. All were held for questioning, and were brought to the Concord Headquarters, where they were grilled until a late hour. Police stated that one of the four now under arrest admitted that the quartet also broke into the Reed Grain Company plant in Acton, where they stole some sledge-hammers and other tools, and into the Mayac filling station on the Maynard-Acton road in Acton. The police found an automobile about a quarter of a mile from the and the registration plates, which had been removed were found bidden under the camp, one of the women in the party directing the officers to their hiding place.

Tools that the police believe were used in smashAng open the high school safe in Acton were found in the car. Harvey Croft, 47, of New York city, who was the first arrested following the break, at his parents' home in Maynard, was arraigned in the District Court here today and held in $5000 on a continuance. He was charged with breaking and entering in the night time and larceny. The second man arrested is John Kezokes, 28, seaman, giving his home address at 77 Cottage st, Lynn. He was spotted by Croft from a group arrested in a Boston poolroom as they were brought into Boston Police Headquarters late last night.

He is now being held in Boston, and will be turned over to the State police for trial in the Concord Court in connection with the Acton breaks. Boucher and Coleman will be arraigned in the local District Court tomorrow morning, charged with breaking and entering in the night time and larceny. TITLED ENGLISHMAN HEARD BY CLERGY Representatives of theological schools, ministers, others interested in a world a Sunday school exwide tension program, met at luncheon at the University Club yesterday to meet the guests of honor, Sir Harold Leroy and Lady Mackintosh of Halifax, Eng, who were in the city for the day. Rev Henry H. Meyer, dean of the Boston University School of Religious Education and Social Service, and Mrs Meyer were the host and hostess to the 50 invited guests.

Plans were discussed for the international convention of the World Sunday School Association which will be Held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 21 to July 28, 1932. There are 37,000,000 pupils in the World Sunday School Association, representing 52 different countries. Sir- Harold in his address declared that "there is a fear of losing the gold standard of character today. The Sunday schools of the land are the only mints left. If we train the youth of the land we will produce a great national force which will overcome any spiritual depression." Rev L.

O. Hartman, Rev William P. Leslie of St 'Mark's Methodist Church, Mrs Everett O. Fisk and Mrs Sidney A. Weston were among the guests.

JOHN F. STUCKE HONORED BY KING John F. Stucke, former Jamaica Plain resident and foreign representative of the United Shoe Machinery Company Milano, Italy, was decorated Commendatore of His. Order of the Crown of Italy, it was learned through a communication from Foreign Minister Grandi. Mr Stucke is the third New Englander to receive the distinguished honor from the King of Italy and was JOHN F.

STUCKE presented red and white ribbon, with gold enaniel cross attached, to be worn at special occasions. The honor, which is the highest to be given anyone but an Italian, also had been bestowed upon Mayor Williams, James M. latter Curley the and James the former editor-in-chief of the Boston Transcript, Letters from Foreign Minister and the prefect of Milano, Fornaciari, were received by Mr Stucke relative to the honor. Mr. Stucke, who is the brother of Frederick Stucke of 8 Parkton road, Jamaica Plain, has been connected with the United Shoe Machinery Company during the past 30 years.

schools He WAS educated in public of Boston and is the father of three children. BONDHOLDERS ASK RECEIVER FOR ATHENS COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Nov 27 (A. -Bishop W. N. Ainsworth and his cabinet, composed of presiding elders of the North Alabama Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, were made defendants in a bill of complaint filed in Federal Court today seeking a receivership for Athens College, Methodist institution operated by the conference.

The bill was filed by C. B. Wall, St Louis, on behalf of holders of first mortgage 6 percent issued in 1927, amounting to $125,000, payable Dec 1, 1930. Foreclosure of the mortgage is requested in the bill and in the event proceeds from such sales are insufficient judgment against the conference is asked to satisfy claims of the bond holders. Athens College was founded in 1843.

RYAN SAYS HE ALONE CAN SETTLE STRIKE Longshoremen Trying to Arrange Sunday Meeting At midnight the strike committee of the three local unions of longshoremen was attempting to arrange for a mass meeting tomorrow. at which Joseph P. Ryan of Now, York, president of the International Longshoremen's Association, could tell the strikers under what conditions the two months' strike can be settled and the men return to work. This effort on the part of the committee followed receipt of a message from Mr. Ryan at New York, in which the committee was informed that the strike can only be settled by the local unions giving Mr Ryan full power to negotiate and sign settlement terms.

The steamship executives at New York upheld the action of the local agents in refusing to consider arbitration as 8 means of settling the trouble, but told Pres Ryan that, if he had full power to act, the employers would do business with him. NO TRACE OF MISSING MAN AT MILTON QUARRY MILTON, Nov 27-Attempts to recover the body of James P. Dunican of Prejecta st, East Milton, who is believed to have drowned in a quarry pool between here and Quincy were unsuccessful late tonight. A note found after Duncan had left his home Monday night led police to suspect that he had taken his life. A police dog turned on the trail of the missing man yesterday halted at the brink of the quarry, where a search is now being made for the body.

If nothing results from the search before tomorrow, it is believed that police will use dynamite in an effort to find the body. Dunican withdrew $400 from A Quincy bank before he left home and left at his home, with a deed to a grave clipped to the bills. DEATHS -In Cambridge. Nov. 27.

Stephen R. Anderson. beloved husband of Mary L. Anderson, nee Martin. Funeral from his late home, 97 6th Nov.

30. at 8 o'clock. Requiem high mass at the Sacred Heart Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. ASHTON- -In Quincy.

Nov. 27, Alfred hus. band of Edith M. Blois Ashton, 9 Highland formerly of Everett. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services at his late home, Monday, Nov.

30, at 2 o'clock. BARTLETT- Lynn, Nov. 26, Lewis H. Bartlett of 63 Howard aged 77 yrs. Services will be held at the Funeral Home of H.

L. Richardson, 48 Lafayette Park. Lynn, on Monday at 2 p. m. Relatives and friends invited.

BEECHIN- In Billerica, Nov. 26, Cora E. (Currie), wife of Arthur Beechin, Funeral services at the Chapel of David Fudge Son, 46 Summer Somerville, Saturday, at 2 p. m. Relatives and friends invited.

BELONG -In Boston, Nov. 25, Mary Olive, wife of John Belong of 441 Meridian East Boston, Services are to be held at her late residence, Saturday, Nov. 28. at 2 p. m.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Gloucester and Portsmouth, N. papers please copy. BUNZEL In Lexington, Nov. 26, Edward husband of the late Margaret (Johnson) Bunzel and son of Gustave and Annie (Young) Bunzel.

Funeral from his late home, East st. Sunday, Nov. 29, at 1 p. m. Services at St Brigid's Church at 2 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited, Solemn high mass of requiem at St. Brigid Church, Monday, Noy. 30. at 9 'o'clock BURNES- At Belmont. Nov.

26. John F. Burnes (formerly of 31 Bennington East. Boston), in hie 74th year, Funeral from late residence. 192 White Belmont, on Sunday, at 2 p.

m. Relatives and friends invited. CLARK-Grace Agnes, widow of George died today at the residence. 178 Milton Wollaston, aged 60 years 9 months 18 days. Funeral to be Sunday at 2 o'clock from the residence, Fr.

Luce officiating. Interment in Milton Cemetery, COUGHLIN- In South 7 Boston, beloved 27c son John Coughlin. 3 yrs. most Frank L. and Catherine (Connors) lin.

Funeral from his late home. 50 Telegraph Sunday. Nov. 29, at 2 D. ma.

Relatives and friends invited. COURTNEY-In Malden, Nov. the 27, residence Patrick J. of Courtney. Funeral from his sister, Mrs.

Nellie F. McCarthy, 18. Hubbard Sunday. Nov. 29, at 1 p.

m. Church at 1:30. Requiem high mass TuesServices at the Immaculate Conception day. Dee, 1 at 7 a. m.

Relatives and friende kindly invited. DONOVAN residence. -In Winthrop. Revere Nov. 27.

Timothy at his beloved husband of Irene Donovan (nee McCoart), formerly of the West End. Funeral Monday. Nov. 30. Time of service later.

DOUGHTY, In Somerville, of Nov. the 26, late Anna Ira Walsh) beloved wife Doughty. Funeral from her late home, 95 Lowell Monday, Nov. 30, at 8 a. m.

High mass of requiem at St. Catherine's Church at 9. Relatives and friends invited. DOWNES -In Medford, Nov. 27, Margaret (Hourihane) beloved wife of Henry Downer.

Hale Funeral from the Nov. family 29. at resi- 1 depce. 24 Sunday, m. Service at St.

Clement's Church at 1:30. Requiem high mass, Monday at 7 a. m. Relatives and friends kindly invited. FRITSCH- in this.

city. St. November 25th. Frederick Fritsch, of 11 Gregory street. Dorchester.

Funeral services at the street. Roxbury, on Saturday, November Waterman Chapel, 2328 Washington 28th. at 2 D. -m, GALLAGHER In Roxbury. Nov.

26. Warren W. beloved husband of Lillian Gallagher (nee Lipson). Funeral from his late home. 34 Guild Sunday, Nov.

29; at 1 m. Services at St Joseph's Church at p. m. Requiem high mass Monday for the repose of his soul at 8 8. m.

Relatives and friends invited. GILMAN husband of the late Annie Shiner Gil-In Charlestown, Nov. 26, Charles man, formerly of Somerville. Funeral from residence of his daughter, Mrs. Ruth Evers of 47 Mystic Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.

Relatives and friends respectfully invited. Member of Terminal Lodge 108, A. 0. U. W.

GOBRON- New York, suddenly. Nov. 26. Louisa, widow of Dr. Louis C.

Gobron. Funeral services from the residence of West her son, Louis C. Gobron, 6 Liberty Somerville, Monday, Nov. 30, at 8:30 a. m.

Requiem high mass at St. Clement'e Church at 9. a. m. Relatives and friends invited.

HAGN- Suddenly, in this city. November of Aubiane M. Hagn (nee Myers) of 71 25th. Hagn. beloved husband Batavia street.

Boston and 159 Westminster road. East Weymouth. aged years. Funeral from the Waterman Chapel, 495 Commonwealth Boston, Saturday, November 28th at 8. a.

m. Requiem high mass at St. Cecilia's Church. Belvidere street, at 9 m. Relatives and friends invited.

HICKS -In a Boston Hospital, Adele Nov. 27, 1931, wife of George 64 veare. Funeral services at her late home, 60 Almont Medford, on Sunday at 2 p. m. Relatives and friends kindly attend.

JEWELL -At Holy Ghost Hospital. Nov. 27, William B. Jewell, beloved husband of Emma Thompson Jewell, and father of Blanche Young. Reposing at Eastman Funeral Home, 896 Beacon Boston.

tives and friends may visit there. Funeral services at the Eastman Funeral Home, on Sunday. Nov. 29. at 2 p.

m. JOHNSON-In Watertown, November 26th, Pauline Mary, beloved daughter of Arvid and Mary Johnson (nee Breenahan) Funeral from parents' residence. 168 Walnut Sunday, November 29th, at 2:30 p. m. Relatives and friends invited to attend.

KEATING -In Cambridge. Nov. 26. Henry husband of Jane (Alexander) Keating. Funeral from his late home, 187 Putnam Monday.

Nov. 80. at 8 a. m. Requiem mass at St.

Paul's Church at 9 a. m. Burial at Cambridge Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. FURNITURE, ETC.

4-ROOM OUTFIT of brand-new furniture for $200. complete, consisting of 10-pc. dining room suite in walnut finish, 4-pc. bedroom set in American walnut finIsh. 8-pc.

overstuffed parlor suite. 5-DC. painted, breakfast suite. and also extras, such as floor lamps. Davenport table, end table, phone for appointment.

Call Highlands 6167. 1010 Massachusetts near Edward Everett sq. Sud30t ni CHAMBER suite, $25; tables, chairs, desk, bed couch, mirrors and auto trunks. etc. 77 Chiswick road, Brookline; Aspinwall 3245, SSu FOR SALE- -Furniture, dishes, solid mahogany bedroom set, pictures, pets, books, desk, no dealers.

Apply Suite 1, at 142 Redland road, West Roxbury. n28 RUGS, RUGS Factory priced, Whittall Mill seconds, all sizes, all kinds. GEORGE A. CANNON, 21 Green Worcester, Mass. Sud9t n22 PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS -Department of Public Works.

November 27. 1931. Sealed bids or proposals will be re ceived by the Department of Public Works at its office, Room 413, State House, Boston, until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, December 8. 1931, then and there will be publicly opened and read. The work to be done is the placing of about tons of stone riprap and chips in constructing four stone jetties at West.

Harwich, in the Town of Harwich. All proposals must be made upon office blank of forms, which Department, may be where obtained plan and at the the specifications and other information relating te the work may be secured. A charge of two dollars will be made for the plan and specifications. Each bidder will be required to give to the Department satisfactory assurance. of his competency, experience and responsibility.

The right is reserved to reject eny and all bids and to waive of any the defect or informality at the discretion Department. FRANK K. HALE. E. LYMAN, HERMAN A.


CAR REMAINS WITH ENGLAND YOU OUR PLAN COVERS NEW BOSTON 15 BERKELEY HANco*ck 7866-OPEN EVENINGS n22 23 24 25 27 28 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS from quick, confidential service: loans of $100 to $300 FINANCE licensed CORP. by Lic. State. 191, 619 Washington Liberty METROPOLITAN 9807. SulThS17t n1 TYPEWRITERS, ETC.

UNDERWOODS! ROYALS! REMINGTONS! L. C. SMITHS! Lowest Prices. Easiest Terms of Payment, As Low As $5.50 Monthly E. A.

RAPHAEL 49 Bromfield St. CORONA HEADQUARTERS, LIBERTY 7557 MAKES RENTED. LOWEST RATES Sud30t n1 Do Not Send Stamps or Cash In payment for classified advertising through the mails. Send check, Postoffice or Express Money Order only. The Boston Globe DEATHS KELLY- -In Everett, Nov.

26, Martin Kelly. beloved husband of Helen (Bolster) Funeral from his late residence, 111 Cottage Sunday. Nov. 29, at 1 p. m.

Services at the Immaculate Conception Church at 1:30. Mass for the repose of his soul, Monday morning at 7 o'clock. invited. Relatives and friends respectfully KENDRICK- -In Arlington Height Nov. 25, Isabella, wife of Robert E.

Kendrick. Funeral seryices at her late residence. 99 Westmoreland Sat. 28th, at 2 D. m.

Relatives and friends invited. MAHONEY-In Somerville, Nov. wife 26, Cath(O'Connell), beloved of James Mahoney, Funeral late residence. 17A Ashland Saturday, Nov. 28, at 8:30 a.

m. High mass of requiem in St. Catherine's Church at 9 o'clock, Relatives and friends invited. MANN- At Cohasset. November 27th, Abbie Ann (Hackett) Mann, formerly of North Hanover and widow of Caleb A.

Mann, in her 72d year. Funeral services private. In East Boston. Nov. 27, Mildred wife of Francis Greenwood and daughter of John and Mary Flanagan McCarthy.

Funeral from residence, 53 Wordsworth Monday, 8:15 a. m. Solemn high requiem mass at Star of the Sea Church, at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. McFARLAND In Dorchester.

27. Eliza widow of Armour McFarland. in her 83d year. Services at Stoughton-st. Baptist Church, Stoughton Monday.

Nov. 30, at 2. p. m. Relatives and friends in.

vited. Moncton Times. N. please copy. Hyde Park.

Nov. 27, Patrick beloved husband of Mary E. Nee and son of the late Thomas and Mary (Ridge) Nee. Residence, 30 Business st. Notice of funeral later.

Late member of Machinists' Union, Boston Lodge, No. 264. PAINE -In Arlington. Nov 26th, Sarah wife of William L. Paine.

Funeral services at her late residence. 76 Grafton Saturday, Nov. 28th at 3 p. m. Friende invited.

PERKINS- -In Reading. Nov. 26 Thomas Perkins, age 59. Services from late dence, 29 Woburn Nov. 28, at 2 D.

m. RAYMOND -In Somerville, Nov. 27, Patrick husband of Mary Laurie' Raymond. Funeral from residence, 108 Linwood Monday morning. High mass of requiem at St.

Joseph's Church at 9 clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. ROOT -In Roxbury, Nov. 27, Arthur husband of Ida M. (Bradley) Root of 67 Lambert Roxbury.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the services at the Dudley Street Baptist Church, Sunday, Nov. 29, at 2 o'clock. Please omit flowers. Rockville, papers please copy. RUSSO- In Everett, Nov.

27, Maria beloved wife of the late Vincenzo Russo. Funeral from the residence of her 501, Genaro Russo, 53 Newton Monday, at 8:30 a. m. Solemn high mass of requiem at the Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, East Boston, at 10 a.

m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. ROWELL-In Millis, Nov. 26, Funeral William D. Rowell, age 72 years.

from his late residence, Lavender Millis. Saturday. Nov. 28 at 2 p. m.

Relatives and friends kindly invited. SAMPSON-In Cambridge, Nov. 27. Lena Benoit Sampson, beloved wife of Ramy Sampson. Funeral from her late home, 64 Montgomery st.

Time of mass later. SEAVERNS-In Marshfield. Nov. 27. Albana widow of William S.

Seaverns, age 82. Funeral services from the Congregational Church, Marshfield, on Sunday, Nov. 29, at 2:30 p. Burial in Marshfield. SHEEHAN-In this city.

27. Hanorah. widow of Bartholomew Sheehan. Funeral from the residence of her son. Joseph W.

Sheehan, 7 Sherman Roxbury, Monday, Nov. 30, at 8:15 8. m. Solemn high mass in the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.

SIDELINKER- In Sidelinker, Wilmington, Nov. Services 25. age 53. from the Congregational Church, Nov. 29, at 3 p.

m. THOMPSON-In this city. Nov. 27, Willtam M. Thompson.

aged 67 years. Funeral services at the home of his son, John A. Thompson, 35 Pond Hyde Park, Monday, Nov. 80, at 2 m. Friends invited.

WEDDLETON- In West Roxbury, Nov. 27, Harry husband of Ellen B. Weddleton, nee Flynn. Services at his late residence, 48 Linden road, Monday. Nov.

1 m. Relatives and friends invited, Yarmouth, N. papers please copy. WEIGMANN-In Reading, Nov. 27, Cora wife of Frederick G.

Weigmann, age 48 years. Services from the Old South Methodist Church Monday, Nov. 80, at 1:30 p. m. YOUNG--In Malden.

Nov 25, Clarence Martin Young, ag 85 yrs. hueband of Jeanette Barber Young. Funeral services from his late home 36 Acorn Malden, Sunday Nov 29. at 2:30 p. Relatives and friends invited.

Bellevue, Kentucky papers please copy. IN MEMORIAM 1928- -Joseph P. Grotty-1931 Since 1832 IS Waterman Sons Inc. Funeral Directors. Local and Suburban Service OFFICES AND CHAPELS 497 Commonwealth Boston 149 Harvard Street, Brookline 2325 Washington Street, Roxbury THE REAL ESTATE MARKET We have several houses in Jamaica Plain, Needham and Dedham, which we will sell at a sacrifice.

These houses can be bought much below their replacement cost or actual valdes. It you are desirous of obtaining house in these sections. let 08 show you our list. WARREN F. A FREEMAN WARREN F.

FREEMAN, JR. 15 State Boston. Liberty 8260 West Roxbury Office 1785 Centre Cor Willow St. Parkway 3040 BARGAINS WATERTOWN FRAME BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and bath, steam heat: good location: has been thoroughly papered and painted inside and painted outside: price $6000: $500 cash.

Call PARKWAY 3040 WOLLASTON Two-family frame house 10 rooms and 2 baths, 2 steam heaters, electrie lights. 5000 8q. ft. land. Handy to school, stores and depot.

Rented. Price $8500. Cash $800. Call Liberty 8260 or President! 5165 6t n23 $2100, HINGHAM, $300 DOWN 4 ROOMS, including screened porches, completely finished interior of arteraft celotex, located on Hull near No. Cohasset R.

R. station. MR. STUDLEY across the street; tel. Cohasset 0261-W.

or Liberty 8483. 2t n27 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW AT LYNNHURST, 5 rooms, with real tile bath with shower, oak floors, steam heat, rage built under house, lot 40x150; a real bargain, price $4000, $1000 cash, balance on mortgage. CHAS. G. WOODBRIDGE 77 Central avenue.

Lynn, Mass. SSu MUST SELL HOME in Hyde Park, 7 sunny rooms, fireplace, breakfast room, granite foundation, tile bath, cost me $7900, worth $8500; price $6300; for business reasons; no brokers. Hyde Park 0216. SSu $2500--HINGHAM, $500 DOWN BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms.

bath, hot and cold water. outside chimnev, fireplace. electric lights. floor plugs, screened: near salt water; Daley road, junction Downer av. and Otis st.

Tel. Braintree 1236-M. See it Sunday. $590 No. 4-Room Camp, 1 Acre Reading; hunting, game; auto road in front of camp; terms.

Aspinwall 1274. dSu3t n28 WINCHESTER Modern exceptional 2-family bargain. house, 5-5 rooms. with tiled baths. STREET COMPANY.

185 Devonshire St. Liberty 4436. JAMAICA PLAIN TWO- FAMILY 9 ROOMS, baths, electric lights, newly painted, $400 cash, and $36 per month. Newton 0683. 3t n26 $10 (NO MORE- NO LESS) $10 5400 SQ.

FT. land in Billerica; boating. bathing and fishing rights. Call West Newton 2119. dSu3t n27 Bank Foreclosures- -Quincy 2-FAMILY HOUSES, in A-1 condition, handy to everything, price and terms arranged, $500 or more cash.

Milton 0683. 3t n26 STORE SACRIFICE 8 STORES, near Newton Corner, no vacancies, small mortgage; price may trade. OWNER, Aspinwall 5757. SSu JUST TAKEN OVER BY BANK 2 SINGLE HOUSES In Wollaston, A-1, handy locations, in perfect repair. Milton 0683.

3t n26 BANK WANTS OFFER ROXBURY-3-family, in good repair, handy to high school. Milton 0683. 3t n26 Outney- 4-Room Bungalow. $100 ments. OWNER, 535 as Sea tel.

President DOWN, balance rent: all improve2241. n26 A COUNTRY home in the city, 7-room Dutch Colonial in W. Roxbury, 7 sold, 1 let; no $9500 cash, beauty if for $6600; $60 fireplace, rent hot buys water heat; cor. lot, hedge, lawn, shrubs, plants; build new garage. if needed, at Centre $6800.

2 Vogel corner Upland, off 2477 open Sat. and no agents wanted; Center Newton .0124. SSu DORCHESTER- New, 6 rooms. sun parlor, garage, everything right N. up to minute, Talbot small amount down.

Builder, E. JONES, 0207. n26 WILL SACRIFICE my bungalow. near lake, $450; terms. 375, Globe office.

n22 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES F. E. HOVEY SECOND MORTGAGES--NO DELAY SECOND MORTGAGE loans made and cash paid for second mortgages. 53 State st. room 634: tel Hubbard 8349.

251 02 STORES. OFFICES. LOFTS GARAGE SPACE 5000 to 20,000 Sq. Ft. Modern Heated Bldg, WILL LET PART OR WHOLE Located at junction of Columbus and 1322 Tremont Roxbury Crossing.

Has separate entrances, sprinkler system, oil heat. large yard; reasonable rent. JOHN A. HOPE 310 Washington st, Newton, N. N.

8180 rooms, large yard; near Codman good cation; rent reasonable. 57 Southern av. SSu Wanted--Equipment Location BY CONTRACTOR IN Brighton or Allston: garage or office. or yard. Tel.

Wellesley 1920. n26 TWO SHOPS. 75x21 on Albany st. rent reasonable. Highlands 0997.

SSu' HOUSES TO LET AND WANTED ROXBURY HOUSE, 5. rooms, all improvements, stove heat, newly renovated: $30 month. See owner, 567 Tremont Kenmore 0025. n22 NEWTON HOUSE, $50 NEWEST HEAT. Room 11, 892 Centre Newton, SSu DORCHESTER- Modern single house, APARTMENTS TENEMENTS A HEATED 2 and 3 rooms, up to date.

pleasant, convenient, low rent to desirable tenants. Prospect 1660; evenings Prospect 2529. dSu7t n23 ALLSTON-1-room suite, kitchenette, hath. reception hall, steam heated. $85.

JANITOR. 60 Woodstock cor. Bella Vista road. 2t n27 ARLINGTON- $58, most convenient, 6 rooms, sun porch, fireplace, garage, fine neighbors, ready to move in. Arlington 1440, CHAS.

E. HOWE CO. A BACK BAY small 3-4-room kitchenette, suite, mo. Office, 95 Norway st. ThS n26 APARTMENT, all.

improvements. 6 rooms, hot-water heat, piazzas, $40; Dedham carline. Parkway 1669-W. n27 BEACON 8-room modern, newly renovated, electric refrigeration; near Kenmore Station. Commonwealth 6012.

WFS6t n25 BEACHMONT-8 rooms, Revere heat. hot water; $33. 188 Bellingham 0202-R. n27 BROOKLINE- rooms, bath. electricity.

renovated, $28. 40 Cameron Regent 1589-M. n27 BACK BAY- 5 modern rooms, 20 Follen rent $7.50 week or $30 mo. Kenmore 4940. n24 BELMONT rooms, all improvements, furnace heat; $88.

Milton 7896. n28 CHARLESTOWN, 890 Main St. -4 rooms. all improvements, large yard. $15 month, stove heat.

See Owner, 567 Tremont Kenmore 0025. n22 CAMBRIDGE, Near Central rooms, 820: 6 rooms, $30: 5 rooms, car space, $25: 5 rooms, garage, $80. T. CONWAY. 580 Mass.

University 2487. dSu6t n24 CAMBRIDGE, Near Harvard rooms, $88. 9A De Wolfe st. GARFIELD, Porter 0880. 5t n24 CHARLESTOWN- rooms, gas, range, $10 and $12.

4 Parson place, off Elm st. n24 CAMBRIDGE- 5 rooms, all improvements except heat. $25. 897 Putnam av. DORCHESTER, Codman Hill Section- Apartment in new 2-family, 5 rooms, gun parlor.

tile bathroom and reception hall; garage optional. 21 Owencroft road or MIL ton 0494. n26 DORCHESTER Lower new, 2-family house, opposite Ashmont Terminal, reception ball, sun-parlor, 5 rooms, Talbot 5666. n24 Heated 6-room apartment. handy to schools and churches.

rent $43. Highlands 0997. dSu3t n28 DORCHESTER. 9 Norwell St. rooms.

all improvements. 824. Apply suite or Hubbard 6976. 025 APARTMENTS TENEMENTS YOU PAY PAY MOVING BILL MODERNIZED 5-room 65 St. Botolph 1st floor.

electric refrigerator, porcelain sink, tray, combination, walls, ceilings and hardwood floors, refinished like new. rent $70. Ring suite 3 bell or phone Haymarket 1479. dSu3t n26 DORCHESTER SUITE 5 rooms. reception ball.

bath new house just off Gallivan blvd. tiled chen and bath room, latest improvements of all kinds. HURLEY-DRISCOLL BLDG. 496 Gallivan blvd. Geneva 6694.

dSu6t n24 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APTS. BACK BAY, Brookline, Beacon Hill; all sizes, and up; open evenings and Sundays. METROPOLITAN REALTY 25 Huntington Copley Kenmore 3023. SSu FACING FENWAY 1-5-11-19 PETERBORO ST-1 and 2-room kitchenette apts, electric refrigeration, rent Kenmore 7352 or 2016. dSu3t n27 WEST NEWTON 6 ROOMS in 2-family house, 860 Watertown st.

all improvements, furnace heat, rent $40; Tel South Boston 0129 or 3734. dSu3t n27 $26 ROXBURY $26 ONLY $26 good sunny rooms. all improvements. HOMER, Regent 2657. TFSSUM n24 JAMAICA PLAIN 6-7 ROOMS, heated continuous hot water, janitor.

$45. 368 Centre st. Back Bay 25 Audubon Kitchenette: Elec. Refris. Apts.

Bath. Hest. Switchboard. Elevator. $35 up.

SWF6t n14 Artistically Furn. Hid. $13 Wk. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, hall, bath, 11 Royce road. off 1246 Commonwealth av.

6-ROOM NEWTON HEATED $80 ELECTRIC KITCHEN, worth $125. Newton North 7183. dSu3t n28 Beacon Hill Furnished 3-Rm. Heated Apt. Bath.

$10 week, 74 Myrtle st. or 52 Joy st. 4-RM. Reservoir. Heated, Lothian Sunny Brighton.

near $50 dSu4t n28 Rooms, Heat. Hot Water, Office, 95 Norway Back Bay. 3t n26 EVERETT-6 rooms, all improvements, back, front piazzas, corner $35 per month. 979 Broadway; Malden 3862-R. SSu FOR RENT 2 rooms, white sink and tub, coal and gas ranges, electricity.

$3 4 rooms, $5 weekly. C. L. CHURCH, 1283 Mass, Arlington Heights. FURNISHED, $50 2-room apt.

for $40, all conveniences. Janitor, 171 Hemenway st. JAMAICA PLAIN-42 Boynton off South 6 rooms, in practically new house, steam heat, all modern improvements. $37. Tel.

South Boston 4599. SSu JAMAICA POND- 3 rooms, latest ments. very select. service, $60. 321 So.

Huntington av. 2t n27 JAMAICA PLAIN-8 large rooms. bath, improvements. stove heat. rent reasonable.

st. SSu JAMAICA PLAIN- 4 rooms, sun porch, house almost $38. Parkway 2848. MATTAPAN, Wellington Hill, 52 Westmore Road- 5 rooms, sun parlor, reception hall. fireplace, garage, first floor in 2-family house.

Residence phone, Milton 7146, or Talbot 1780. SSu MATTAPAN, 191 West Selden St. -2-family lower, 5 large rooms, all improvements, $33 with garage. Highlands 3596. ROXBURY, 953 Mass.

Near Albany3 and 4 rooms. $5.50 and $6 a week. SuTThS 022 ROXBURY- 4 rooms, bath. electricity, renovated, separate entrance, $25, 27 Ottawa st. n27 ROSLINDALE-5 rooms, modern, good location, $26.

Parkway 4636. ROXBURY-5 rooms just redecorated $20; with store $32. 0 250, Globe office. ROXBURY 4-5-6 rooms, improvements. S.

GOLDSMITH. 28 Ruggles st. n28 SOMERVILLE- Ideal upper 4 rooms and den, rent reasonable, convenient everything, 29 Corinthian road: 6-room single house and garage in Medford; Mystic 1936-R; adults. SOMERVILLE WEST $35; attractive apartment. 5 sunny rooms, steam heat.

electricity, gas water heater, splendid condition. Call Arlington 2235. n27 SOMERVILLE-3 rooms, bath, $16 month: also 3 rooms, first floor, $12 month; all improvements. 38 Franklin av. 3 rooms, furnished or furnished.

473 Broadway: Somerset 6669. n25 TREMONT 700 -Furnished suite, 8 2 large rooms, private bath: $11 week. WANTED-3 to 5 rooms. modern. furnished apt.

by couple. preferably Medford. Somerville or Central Cambridge: must be first class: references furnished. J. E.

CROUCH, N. P. SEVERN CONTRACTING Postoffice Boston. ASu3t n27 4-5 NICE light rooms modern, electricity, mo. Keys 272 Eustis st n26 $14 MONTHLY- 3 rooms, with all improvements, in good condition.

vicinity Union Park st. 23 Rollins Boston. n28 6t n23 6t n23 BOARD AND ROOMS PARK HOTEL 567 TREMONT ST. Centrally located, transients $1 up nights. $5 up week.

living room, bedroom and bath. everything. including dishes, maid service. week, quiet. homelike hotel.

see for yourself. Sue n22 PUTNAM'S HOTEL 284 HUNTINGTON Cor. Gainsboro Day. $1 up: $7 up. Commonwealth 0177 Sud30t n1 2-Room Heated, Furnished Flat, $6 Week 8-ROOM BUNGALOW or 8-room furnished flat, $3.50 week.

KIERNAN, 16 5th Chelsea: tel. 2903. SSu CHILD BOARDED PRIVATE, home supervision, registered nurses, confidential, reasonable. Geneva 8685. dSu7t n23 Double Room, Private Bath, $3 Day Parking.

Hotel Kimball, 419 Columbus av. CAUTION In answering advertisem*nts DO NOT send your references, letters of recommendation, army or navy discharge papers or photographs to a Postoffice or Globe office box. Send copies when requested. SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE GOING SOUTH or abroad? do you want caretaker for your estate who is honest and reliable? best of references, 76. Globe office.

NOVA SCOTIAN, 27, single, sober, reliable. consider janitor, watchman, hotel clerk OF caretaker on widow's estate. Phone Commonwealth 4084, or write 206, Globe office. n24 PAPERHANGER and painter wants work. Tel.

Hyde Park 2171-M. n22 PAINTER. paperhanger, wants work. lOW wages. Tel.

Charlestown 0270-W. YOUNG MAN. Norwegian, age 22, wishes position with future: willing to work hard. Kindly write to H. KELLAND, 40 Haydn Roslindale, Mass.

n28 YOUNG MAN wants part time, janitor caretaker work in or near Somerville. 9. SAUNDERS, 285 Medford Somerville. n27 SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ACCOMMODATORS furnished laundry. cleaning, housework.

Highlands 7900. Sud7t n22 BOOKKEEPER balances: -Experienced double entry: controls: trial cost accounting: pay rolls; excellent references. 237. Globe office. COOK- Hospital preferred, distance no object.

P. 0. Box 87, Salem, Mass. FIRST-CLASS housekeeper wishes position, good cook, capable of taking full charge, best of references. Tel.

540, Rockland, HOUSEKEEPER. capable, young, Protestant woman, desires position where conscientious care is essential. 0 238, Globe office. 4t n25 tion LADY with DENTAL ASSISTANT wishes porihigh grade dentist in Boston, where experience and following of patients will be worth good salary and commission. 460, Globe office.

POSITION 88 housekeeper or practical nurse; best of references. Crystal 0214-R. WOMAN would like position as cook or housekeeper. H. C.

PERRY. 19 James Lynn. n28 YOUNG widow with girl school age wishes position in respectable gentleman's home; reference. 257. Globe office.

MALE HELP WANTED MEN HAVE openings for men of neat appearance and ability in the following cities and adiacent towns: Newton 1. Malden 2. Belmont Everett Somerville 2. Dorchester Jamaica Plain 2, Roxbury 2. Roslindale Hyde Park 2.

Boston 3. about $30 weekly. advance commission and bonus to start. REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS. 216 Tremont st.

Organizers, Grew Managers and Salesmen $75 PER WEEK commission is what our men onstration are to earning our product sells on demhotels, restaurants, jobbers, stores. everyone has use for our plater. Call 12 to 4 p. room 508, 104 Hanover st. LOCAL RESIDENT MANAGERS 1 EACH for Boston, Malden.

Belmont, Somerville, Everett. Newton, Watertown. Dorchester. Jamaica Plain. Hyde Park.

about $140 month to start, advance commission and bonus. REAL SILK HOSIERY. 216 Tremont st. BAKER A1 cafeteria city. second baker out of town.

DICOMES EMPLOYMENT. 318 Tremont. EXPERIENCED pin boy from HON. 12; must be fast. MORTON RECREATION, 700 Morton Dorchester.

MEN to sell our high grade garden and feld seed direct to planters. A good position with big income, experience not essential. COBB Franklin Mass. 1.25 MAN solicit garages for accounts for collection. auto with driver furnished.

MR. EPSTEIN, 799 Blue Hill Dorchester. MEN wanted for soliciting, Boston and vicinity, must have freight experience; state salary, experience. 65, Globe office. dSu3t n27 NIGHT ORDER COOK- -Don't apply unless experienced, also fast worker: 6 nights.

good salary to right man. IVA'S LUNCH, 88 Maverick East Boston. SSu WANTED, immediately, experienced shoe salesman, understands shoe business thoroughly; A1 references essential; when answering give telephone number. 429, Globe office. WANTED An experienced church goods salesman, accustomed to calling on the Catholic clergy in New England.

State reference, experience, age and salary expected, by letter only, to MR. B. B. BARRY, Brunswick Hotel, Boston. WARD STILSON CO.

has opening for assistant manager, man between 25-40, with car; commission basis. Phone Liberty 8019; 216 Tremont st. WANTED Experienced baker of rye bread and rolls. Apply 1206 Blue Hill Mattapan. WANTED At once, an experienced casket coverer, P.

0. Box 179, Middleboro, Mass. WFSSu n25 YOUNG MAN. Help grocery store, $10 wk. 1052 Blue Hill Mattapan.

SSu' Varicose Veins And Ulcers Now treated without surgery, confinement to bed, or loss of time from work. Send for Free Booklet V. G. Clinic Open Daily HOURS: P. I financially able, patient should pay small fee.

The Dover Street Clinic 16 DOVER STREET, BOSTON Sud7t n22 -5 LESSONS! LATEST STEPS! $2 177 Model School HUNTINGTON Modern AV. COM. Dancing 9003 n23 FEMALE HELP WANTED LADIES WE have openings for ladies of nest pearance and ability in the following cities and adjacent towns: Newton 1. Maiden 2. Belmont 2.

Everett 2, Somerville 2. ter 8. Jamaica Plain 2. Hyde Park 2. Boston 3: about $25 weekly start, advance mission and bonus.

REAL SILK HOSIERY. 216 Tremont st. COUNTER GIRL, tall. wholesome, 25-30 $14. Room 306.

132 Boylston st. GENERAL MAID. single, white, for family of 8: must be good cook and willing to help care for small child; good reference necessary. Call Stadium 1180 Sunday or Monday after 6 p. wages to fit experience.

GENERAL MAID, white to go home nights. MRS. 91 Maple GENERAL housework. excellent cook. good manager, strong, white; wages $12.

Call Centre 2152. HOSTESS. betweep ages of 25 and 85, with ability to receive clientele in highclass beauty parlor: must be able to write 66. Globe dSu86 n28 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Young woman for gentleman's home. R.

484, Globe office. MOTHER'S HELPER Good home Call Garrison 4407. SELL "Simmon's Silk Hose Saver," stops runs; acclaimed by women everywhere. For particulars. call on MB.

DADE. 5 Boylston Jamaica Plain. SSu WANTED Fully experienced nurserymaid to care for 2 children, $12; help with chamber work. someone with hospital training preferred. Center Newton 2180: 14 Prentice road, Newton Center.

WOMAN about 80 years take care of children and do housekork, $6 week, S. E. GORDON, Nazing ct. (Maple suito 7, Roxbury. WANTED Mother's helper.

MRS. SHERMAN, 19 Paulina West Somerville, Saturday, 2-4 p. m. YOUNG WOMAN, 80 years old, would like any kind of work to do mornings afternoons and all day Saturday. 11.

Globe office. 100 GIRLS wanted for tree marvel Room 210. 101 Masa. aVe Sud7s AUTOMOBILES Cash Paid for Good Late Model Automobiles NO DELAY, loss arranged on your car (9) if tree and clear of all encumbrances: don't lose your car: we will buy your equity. pas Bu outstanding notes duet cars refinanced.

Call, write or phone to office: best of references, CAPITAL GARAGE 00. 15 SCHOOL QUINCY, MASS. One minute from Quincy 40.: President 6116 See us for fair dealing. n25 ROTE I $31 De Luxe Sedan $595-TERMS LATE Chevrolet, 1931, very low mileage, Driven by a company official only. Frequent service.

6 wire wheels and tires. As Food as new. Phone for demonstration. GuaraDe teed. Open evenings.

6400. CAMBRIDGE MOTOR co. 277 Massachusetts Cambridre AUTOS WANTED WE want your ca and will pay the cash price the day sou sell as your CAT? PARK to AUTO us before CO epiline. 1182 Commonwealth Av. Regent 1191 Sad301 n1 $30 FORD TUDOR $315 TERMS NICE and clean.

Low mileage. Excellent motor, tires and paint. Open evenings. University 6400. CAMBRIDGE MOTOR CO, 277 Massachusetts Cambridge '30.

CHEVROLET SPORT ROADSTER. $29 SERIES ESSEX 4-DOOR 129 WHIPPET COACH '30 FORD SPORT $29 SERIES PONTIAC SEDAN MYEROW BROS. 15 BERKELEY ST. HANco*ck 7366 OPEN EVENINGS CHEVROLET TRUCK CANOPY 1930 model, in excellent shape throughout, A real bargain at $440. Liberal terms.

CAMBRIDGE MOTOR co. 277 Massachusetts Ave. University 6400 CAMBRIDGE. OPEN EVENINGS PACKARD $425 WILL BUY 1928 Model Sedan. in clean, excellent condition; must see to appreciate: forced to sell.

Call Milton 1863. 4t n25 $30 Plymouth Sedan CHEVROIET $325-TERMS NICE and clean. Low mileage. Excellent motor. tires and paint.

Will demonstrate Open evenings. University 6400. CAMBRIDGE MOTOR CO. 277 Massachusetts Cambridge CARS WANTED $28 or Later. in Any Condition 84 Prospect Somerville.

Somerset 680T. dSu131. n18 CARS WANTED FOR CASH 1031-1033 WE PAY Commonwealth THAN Alg 9359. MORE OTHERS Sud301 CASH FOR YOUR CAR write or telephone BEACON 9412. MOTOR SALEs.

45 Brighton Algonquin n28 500 CARS WANTED INSTANT cash waiting. 192 Broadways Somerville: Somerset 8573. Sud7t n22 1929 FORD TUDOR COACH LIKE new, $145. Call at GARAGE, 84 Prose pect st. Cambridge: University 0025.

MUST sell my 1929 Chevrolet coach, excellent running condition, good tires. will cept $75 down. balance, small EGLESTON payments; SQ. $225. M.

COBURN. GARAGE, Garrison 9168. VANTED To buy from a private party late model coupe, sedan, or sport with car roadster, at my at a reasonable price. Apply office. 15 School Quincy; President 6114 025 1930 FORD COUPE, excellent condition, Call MR.

THOMPSON, University 4905, day morning. SSu LOST, FOUND, ETC. FOUND BY BOSTON POLICE DEPT. 337006-TIRE. General cord; tube, rime 30x5.00.

338006 TIRE, Armstrong cord, tube. 32x4.00. 129715 -TIRE, Hood, tube, rim, 8618.00. 311019-DOG HARNESS, green lea. brass studs, no name on plate.

808019-GUM MACHINE, red, mkd. Advance Machine Co. 812019-FOOTBALLS, four, various sises. CALL LOST FOUND DEPT. Kenmore 6700 Branch 5.

LOST -Wednesday, in Cambridge Subway or near Harvard paper bag containing glasses; reward. Return to Room 803, 689 Mass, Cambridge, or tel. Arlingion 5447-W. LOST- -Chow, brown, with collar and leash. N.

Reading. license number 674. reward. LITTLEFIELD, 474 Canterbury Roslindale: Jamaica 0460. LOST Wednesday, male Boston terrier, light brindle, blind right eve, answers to name of Mickey: reward.

MABEL H. JACOBSON. tel. Everett 2781-R. SM 128 LOST -Between Rostindale and Quincy, Thanks diamond-shaped rhinestone with initial reward.

Parkwas '2997-R. dSu3t n28 LOST -Gruen white gold wrist watch Fri day a. m. in shopping district; reward, Revere 0020. LOST Your dog? Phone ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE, 51 Carver Boston: Hanco*ck 9179, dSu7t 125 $200 REWARD Clasp brooch, 12 baguette and 122 round diamonds, lost Oct.

23. 01 train from New York or between Boston and Prides Crossing. Finder communicate with ALBERT R. LEE 116 John st. New York City: telephone Beekman 3-0280.

dSu3t 027 BOARD AND ROOMS JEFFERSON, 327 TREMONT ST. Rooms, $1.50: weekly, up. Devonshire 8035. n23 1 ROOM and kitchenette. near Porter 23 Banks Somerville; Somerset 8408-M.

n28 1-2 ROOMS and kitchen furnished, warm, homelike; week. 27 Worcester sq. SSu CONNECTING housekeeping rooms, bathroom floor, continuous hot water. 215 West Newton Boston: Circle 8737. 3 WORCESTER furnished room kitchenette, $5 up.

Commonwealth 8055. dSu7t n24 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and bath, steam heat. 15 Akron off Regent. near Dudley Terminal: Highlands 2117. 9 CONCORD Basem*nt, light housekeeping, side room, $2 up; 1 week free.

9 Concord sq. dSu7t n28 49 HEMENWAY -Large room. running water, one Hight. clean, quiet 21 CONCORD front. sunny room, 2 beds; large single room.

steam heat. n28 65 ST. BOTOLPH Suite 3-Warm, sunny, well-furnished rooms, $5, $6. 35 ST. BOTOLPH Suite 3 -Basem*nt room, steam heat, desirable, $2.50.

80 WORCESTER Front. squares, sides. new hot-water heat kitchenette. 1st floor. $3 up.

2t' n28 82 WORCESTER Steam-heated rooms, large closets, water, electricity, $2, $4. n29 504 COLUMBUS AV. Large, front room with kitchenette, quiet, clean house. steam heat, electricity. MRS.

COOK. 1202 COMMONWEALTH, Suite 7-Furnished 1-room kitchenette. $8.50. Regent 7782-R. n27 1375 COMMONWEALTH Suite 3- Double sunny front room.

$6: parking. 2t n27 ALLSTON- Warm, sunny front room, private home; near theatre. Stadium 8273. dSu7t 128 ALLSTON Sunny room, water heat, private family. Stadium dSu7t n28 BROOKLINE, 8.

Shailer -Clean front rooms, kitchen. laundry privileges; ladies only; $2.50 to $3 each or by day, n25 BOARD, rooms, in a refined, well-kept home at very moderate rates. Regent 8846. dSu4t n26 kitchenette, CAMBRIDGE-1 or 106 2 Magazine furnished rooms CAMBRIDGE. Crawford Hall- Small heated apartment, janitor service, Frigidaire: rent reduced.

Somerset 3903-W. SSu CAMBRIDGE Good. heated. furnished room, $2.50. University 7568-W.

CAMBRIDGE-2 rooms and bath, furnished and heated. $10. Porter 4008-J. furnished, well-heated room with private family, near rapid transit. Columbia 9282, Large.

attractive room. kitchenette, garage; A1 location, Geneva 0548. n27 DORCHESTER- -Attractive 2-room furnished suite, light, gas and heat. Talbot 5588, n26 DORCHESTER- Furnished room, separate bath. kitchenette, heated.

66 Alexander st. FREE. 1 week's rent. 1-2-3-4 beautiful furnished rooms for light housekeeping: Dorchester. Richlands 7929, FURNISHED ROOMS with kitchenette heated, running water.

78 W. Cottage Roxbury. GOOD BOARD, warm room. $10 per week, handy to Dudley-st Elevated. 196 Warren Roxbury: Highlande 4071.

n27 JAMAICA PLAIN-7-room house. all improvements. oak flooring, auto parking: rent reasonable. 217 Lamartine st. dSu8t n28 JAMAICA PLAIN- Pleasant rooms with board, modern conveniences, near Pond.

Jamaica 1638-M. n28 LARGE. outside. rooms. running water, elevator and complete hotel seryice, 24 hours a day.

weekly $5 up bath 88 decide to be warm and comfortable. HOTEL KIMBALL. 419 Columbus av. SSu LARGE front parlor, '1st floor, in beautiful home, fireplace, over-stuffed furniture, cooking facilities. $10 week; single $5.

918 Beacon st. SSu NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. heated, everything supplied, $5. Geneva 0315. ROOMS TO LET- Clean and homelike at reasonable prices.

Newton Chambers, 230- 232 West Newton st. n27 ROOM and board. men $10 week. 17 Cazenove suite 6. South End.

SOMERVILLE -Attractive modern apartment, 5 large rooms, kitchen to equipped Somerset with oil burner: rent reduced $85. 8903-W. SSu SCOTCH COUPLE have nice, clean housekeeping rooms, steam heat, free car space. Telephone Commonwealth 6759, 405 bus 2t n27 TO LET- Apt. of rooms, reasonable rent.

Apply 129 Appleton Arlington. I Tel. Ocean Room on Court road, garage, LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEE'S SALE of Personal Property Pursuant to notice of intention to foreclose given to Nelson ner Gardner Manufacturing Company. the National Surety Company, mortgagee the burglar alarm business owned by the said Gardner Manufac oring Company. for breach of the condition of the said mortgage, which is recorded with the Clerk of the City of Boston.

Book 1528. Page 804. and with the Clerk of the City of Cam bridge, Book 223, Page 385, will sell at publie auction all the burglar alarms, equip. ment, and all property covered by the said mortgagee of the Gardner Manufacturing Company, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the first day of December, 1931, at the office of the National Surety Company. 40 Broad Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

Terms at sale. J. E. McCONNELL Attorney for Mortgagee, 111 Devonshire Boston. Mass.

FOR SALE PICTURES WANTED -Pictures of American cities, towns. old buildings, known landscapes. paintings of sailing square-rigged vessels oil or water colors or lithograph. sailors' sea chests. old logs or journals and anything of interest in the days old of sailing vessels.

rigged models of ships, and odd pieces of fur niture, silver, prints and any curious thing: give full description. 500, Globe office Sodi4t n15 BUSINESS CHANCES Lunch Room $250, Seat 36 GLASS-TOP TABLES, ready to open, rent $60. heated, step to busy square. KIER NAN, 16 Fifth Chelsea. SS1 BACK BAY beauty shop for sale.

fully equipped, can be bought as low as $150. Parkway 5325-R. Hanco*ck 1976. SSu LUNCH ROOM, 1683 Washington ton, for rent: no charge for goodwill. Apple room 1201.

68 Devonshire STORAGE DEAD STORAGE $3.50 FOR AND AUTOS PER MONTH: clean, dry and safe: cars ceived day or night: 24-hour service: teries cared for: cars blocked up. WOLLAS TON AUTO SERVICE GARAGE, 17 Wood bine Wollaston; Granite 8987 or 3330. n28 TOURIST AGENCIES CALIFORNIA AUTO TRIP Room in share private car going to Los Angeles 1-2, expenses, references 933 Little Hanco*ck 4873. 8Su MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS, $50. $75 up: players, grande: easy terms.

BROOKS, 119 Summer n18 20 21 22 24 26 28 29 30 UPRIGHT piano, $25: player piano. $45. Dartmouth Boston: Commonwealth 8196. n22 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED-1000 live bed bugs for experie mental purposes Call Hubbard 9625. n28 which materially the sense affected and by value advertisem*nt, of error.

will be republication without ven extra charre upon notice in writing within to the twenty-four Globe hours Newspaper Company tion of the after the inseradvertisem*nt. If the adif vertiser does not wish republication or notice as aforesaid is riven within twenty hours, the Company, if requested within thirty days will the return to the advertiser the sum paid by Except to the advertiser for the publiestion. Newspaper Company extent will aforesaid, not the Globe the advertiser for or be liable to the republication publication of No mistakes errors will be given, and no moser will be returned on account error which of does not affect the meaning or of value an error the advertisem*nt. by the or on account advertiser the COpY..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.